Chapter One ~ Thursday evening
Our heroine arrives at the airport, where she is greeted by our heroine. The two make the brief drive to Our Heroine's Home, along the tree-filled avenues bordering the mighty Potomac River.

After a brief respite, our heroines enjoy a dinner of Scrumptious Specialty Sandwiches at a local eatery benefiting homeless animals. Our heroines then decide to make the journey to the Olde Neighbourhood, where they seek out the abodes and schoolhouses of old. Following our heroine's well-honed sense of direction, and relying upon no small amount of luck, our heroines find the second of their Childhood Homes in the area.

Chapter Two ~ Friday
Our heroines spend Friday out and about in the sweltering heat, accomplishing Important Tasks and Necessary Errands.

Our evening ends with a Birthday Celebration for our heroine's dear friend, the Fairy Princess Laura, accompanied by libations and classic bluegrass entertainment.

Chapter Three ~ Saturday
Our heroines being the Renaissance women that they are, Saturday is a day of both woodsy, outdoorsy adventure, and air-conditioned musicality. The day begins with the Ancient Sporte of letterboxing. The first such hunt being a Disappointing Failure (including the losing and Heroic Retrieval of our heroine's prescription sunglasses), our heroines regroup and reconsider their goals.

The weather being what it is, our heroines decide to make the attempt for easier letterboxes, succeeding in retrieving five.

The day's success is celebrated by our heroines in the local theatre, where they enjoy a rousing musical film entitled Mamma Mia! The show receives mixed reviews from our heroines. Our heroine is moved to tears several times, while our heroine declares it "okay." Both agree, however, that a Fun Time was had by all.
The evening is spend at the local tavern, an establishment populated by the finest wait staff and most talented chefs our heroine has yet encountered. Our heroine unwisely overestimates the amount of food and drink her stomach can accommodate and leaves feeling slightly ill, which is in no way a commentary on the quality of food available at the Fine Tavern. (In fact, our heroine cannot stop thinking about the rabbit gnocchi and somewhat incredible pork chop she encountered that evening.) It should be noted as well that our heroine is correct in her observation that, "Javi makes the best mojitos on the planet." Javi (not Javy) is welcome at our heroine's home at any time for company and said mojitos.
Chapter Four ~ Sunday
The following morning, our heroine uses the leftover steak and chop to create an Omelet of the Highest Degree, accompanied by peppercorn bacon and French pressed coffee. Our heroines spend the morning in Leisurely Pursuites.

In order that our heroine might not be late for her appointment with Snoop Dog that afternoon, she drives our heroine to the airport shortly after lunch.

Our heroines have enjoyed a fine weekend of Song, Food, and Sisterhood. (Thanks, Swis!)
Looks like a great time! I wanna be your sister:-)
This is lovely! And a fitting recitation of the events. Alas, one change needs be made ... Javi is spelled with the "i" ... nary a "y" shall come near him, as he expressed to me early on in our friendship!! :)
Duly noted and corrected!
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